Numero 74 new costumes
Numero 74 new costumes

Numero 74 new costumes

Numero 74 new costumes

are our latest crush for the little ones

Numero 74 invites the little ones to stretch out their arms towards the sky and open their wings to fly through the winter! We just fell in love with their new bird & butterfly costumes because they show that there are no limits to imaginative play. There is no need to tell much, the pictures speak for themselves…

The wings are adjustable making them suitable for kids from 4 to 9 years old. Besides that, they are ethically handmade in Thailand with 100% cotton (GOTS certified) and lots of love, of course!

Now tell us, wouldn’t these costumes be just perfect for this year’s Halloween?
You can shop each one of these magnificent pieces and learn more about the brand on their website.


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