LEVKOVICH Architects - TENDER Project
Flagship interior design
for TENDER flower boutique
Hello, design junkies!
We all have a soft spot for flower boutiques; their colours, their smell, their uniqueness, that is why we are excited to show you a whole different creative interior project named TENDER by Levkovich Architects. A boutique that expresses symbolism through design right in Kaliningrad Russia.
The task was to reflect the character and personality of the customer in the interior.
In each of Levkovich’s projects they create a unique concept that reveal the philosophy of the place. In the flower boutique TENDER, they have concentrated on creating new forms, therefore they rejected the idea of making a cantilevered floor, which has been done in the neighbouring areas. For them it was important to create an impression that will stay in the memory of their clients for a long time.

The wavy ceiling creates the effect of a large, delicate rose descending over the visitors and wrapping the space around them. There is a lighting system built into the structure, which creates the illusion of depth in the space.
Levkovich created a circular refrigerator for flowers, creating a whole new format for work and design. The refrigerator was made of sandwich panels whilst the construction is completely airtight and keeps the cold in.

It is a unique minimalistic design that earns the attention of flower lovers, not only through its pastel colors but also through its unique leeway that is not commonly seen.
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