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Interview: Meet Moritz Bannach
Behind BANNACH furniture
BANNACH is a Berlin-based furniture brand, founded by Moritz Bannach in 2018. The concept of the brand is to create objects that not only provide functional benefits, but also represent strong aesthetic value. Purist design and the bold combination of colors are among the core design features of the BANNACH brand.
Because Moritz aims to create unmistakable designs with a premium quality, his collection is produced in Germany.
The first furniture of the collection is the ABBONDIO table. A modern sculptural dining and conference table. We love the combination of colors.

We had the chance to meet Moritz and ask him a few questions.
Hello Moritz, could you tell us more about yourself and your experience before BANNACH ?
I’m a classic career changer. Before I started working in the field of interior design and founded BANNACH, I studied landscape architecture and worked for several years in landscape architecture offices in Berlin. But I quickly realised that my passion was not completely awakened. That's why I started to look around what else I could do. I have always been very interested in various creative disciplines like art, design and architecture.
That's why it was clear to me that I wanted to stay in this area. My way finally led me to dopo_domani, one of Berlin’s best-known and most renowned addresses for high-quality interior design, where I worked for more than five years. This time was very intense and instructive for me. The decision to start working at dopo_domani was one of the best decisions I have made so far, apart from my move to Berlin and the founding of BANNACH, because I discovered my passion for furniture.
Why did you start a furniture brand?
I always had the dream to do my own thing and to be self-employed. Above all, to create something that remains, which did not exist before. I liked the idea to have my own brand, because you have the opportunity to show your own ideas of design and to establish and shape a new style. A good friend once said that you just have to let me do. And he was right. I was always the most creative when I had freedom. Finally, the founding of my own furniture brand was the logical consequence of my desire for self-employment, the urge to create something new and my passion for furniture design.
Tell us more about BANNACH…
BANNACH is a Berlin-based furniture brand that pursues a strong interdisciplinary approach and feels at home in the areas of design, architecture and art. As you said in the beginning, the brand's approach is to create furniture that represent a strong aesthetic value and not only provide a functional benefit. BANNACH works with selected manufacturers in Germany that share its ideas of premium quality and sustainable production. Most important recognition values of the brand are the bold combination of colors and a purist design. The philosophy of the brand is that its own furniture appeals to its customers not only on an aesthetic but also on an emotional level. Especially through the strong use of colors.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get the most inspirations when I'm on the road, where I can see and watch a lot. So much happens to me about the visual perception. When I see things that I like, I think about what I can draw from them as an inspiration, for example a certain shape, color or even a color combination. Art is also a great source of inspiration for me. I really love to leaf through art illustrated books. In my favorite bookstore in Berlin, it has a huge selection of books on art, design and fashion, I could spend hours just browsing and reading books.
How do you start designing a product?
When I see something that inspires me, it starts a creative process in my head.
I get first ideas and start to make many sketches. Sketching is really a great way to play through fast design variants and to try different shapes, patterns and colors. The next step is working on the computer with a 3D modeling software, to give the furniture exact dimensions and to check the proportions. Because I work a lot with colors, I order larger color samples during the design - process to test how the colors look on a larger surface. The most exciting moment is to see the finished furniture and hope that it looks like I imagined it or even better than that.
Your first table is called ABBONDIO, why?
It’s because of my love for Italy. I have always traveled to Italy a lot and have close Italian friends, so I was always connected to the country in some way. Italy has a great history, especially in design, architecture and art. Many significant developments and styles have been initiated there. So Italy has an immense influence on the design industry and in this area you combine the country with a premium quality and an outstanding and courageous design.
In my planning according to which principle I would like to name my furniture, I came across the Italian name Abbondio by chance. I liked the name immediately. The name has something elegant, emotional and I think it fits very well with the design of the table. With that came the decision to name all future furniture of my brand Italian. And I still like the idea.
You choose to use really strong and risky color combinations (which we love). How do you choose them?
I've always loved colors, that's why I always surround myself with many colors in my home, like flowers, art-illustrated books and paintings. Many of these paintings are by myself and by my mother, because we have always painted a lot together in my childhood. The idea of combining certain colors comes naturally, when I see something that appeals to me. I then test out which colors could be also combined.
One of my favorite combinations is pink with orange. I think this color combination has something very strong, powerful but also emotional. In the design of table ABBONDIO, I used both together for the first time and I am very happy with the result.
What is your most stressful memory launching BANNACH?
One of the most stressful moments was the publication of my brand on the Internet and Instagram. I was extremely excited and tense. I mean, I had already presented my brand and the furniture collection to my closest friends and my family, but it’s completely different to publish it on the Internet, where it can almost see the whole world. I was awake the whole night before. But looking back, everything went very well.

If you had one advise to people who wants to start creating their dream (their own brand, own company) what would it be?
I think the most important thing is always to stay with yourself, not to be bent. You can not live up to everyone. This includes not being too strict with yourself. You will not always be perfect for one hundred percent, and you'll make mistakes. I think making mistakes is completely normal and is part of the process of founding. You learn a lot from it and it prepares you better for future developments, that’s the positive thing about it.
Any new exciting project coming soon?
The next project will be the extension of the table collection. There will be more new color combinations, also a black and white version with the name MONO. In addition to the table collection, a mirror collection will soon be launched. Another important project is the development of a chair series that matches the tables of my collection both creatively and visually. For that I want to cooperate with other designers.
What is your morning routine?
My morning routine is very simple. I check my emails, read news on all the important newspapers on the Internet and get up to date on Instagram. Of course, coffee is also part of it, preferably together with a croissant.
What is your favorite design brand?
I have some favorite design brands, but I think e15 is the best. I like the modern and puristic design of the brand and above all, that you can recognise a consistent design line, which is subject to all products of the brand. You can not find that with many other brands. I also like the well-known Italian brands Cassina and Capellini. They have a very large collection and many well-known furniture classics. In my eyes they represent an unconventional and courageous approach to the development of new furniture.
And finally, could you tell us what is your favorite city in the world? Why?
It's probably a bit boring because the city would probably name a lot, but of course my favorite city is New York City. Besides Berlin I could not imagine living in another city than New York City. The city is so exciting, diverse and incredibly inspiring. The citizens of NYC are also really friendly and helpful; I was really surprised about that on my first visit. My dream is to live there for a few years.
Thank you Moritz :)
Check more about BANNACH
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