Lah Lan's comfy minimalism
Danish contemporary design based on
functionality, quality, & simplicity
Springtime is finally here! To celebrate the blooming times and get prepared for Summer, we are pleased to introduce you to Lah Lan - a kids brand creating timeless minimal pieces focused on the quality and funcionality!
Lah Lan has its roots in Helsingor, Denmark and that’s translated in their designs. Every piece is of great quality and sustainability, made of organic cotton, organic linen or recycled PET bottles, perfect for handing down through the family. The soft materials assure comfortability for every play, quiet time and development. The clothes are not only comfy - their minimalistic design and earthy colors create a beautiful, simple look for our beloved little ones.

Smile, its time for summer and ice cold lemonade! Lan Lan’s summer collection 2020 is ready and features organic linen and cotton wear. The Pure collection contains blouses, comfy overalls, cute dresses, a simple set and a bodysuit. Lind, tofe and wood are the trendy colors chosen for this one! And on the beach, your little munchkin will shine in the Rib shorts, combined with a loose tee or an oversize long sleeve, in case it gets windy.

Lah Lan impressed us so much with the whole concept and the amazing products we couldn’t help but do an interview piece with the founder Josephine Harild. Check it out:
Hello Josephine,
Could you tell us more about yourself?
Sure, I will try! I always find it quite hard to present and describe myself. But to start with the basics, my name is Josephine and I am 25 years old. Mama to two dear little loves, daughter Suri who’s almost three and baby brother Cali who’s 1,5 - wow time flies! I studied in business school before starting Lah Lan, and now I work with this full time. I am a very positive and loving person, and family is the most important thing for me! I love the sun and the ocean, and a life without flowers and music is impossible to imagine! If you want to see and know more you can always visit my Instagram (@josephine.harild).
When did you start Lah Lan? What is the idea behind it?
Back when I was expecting Suri I was a student in business school, suspecting me to be an accountant in a few years. Two months before my final exam, I delivered a beautiful little baby girl. 5 days old, she was attending classes with me for the next couple of months, and after that through all my final exams - then maternity leave! It didn’t take long until I realized that a "normal" everyday job routine would not work for me - I needed to be with my baby as much as possible, and then the seed which would grow Lah Lan’s flower was planted. It took over two years before I was done and in November 2019 I launched my first collection. The whole idea is to create something unique, durable and sustainable for both boys and girls.
How are your pieces produced? Are they handmade?
Everything is produced in Turkey, simply because I wanted the manufacturer to be close to Denmark to make it possible to transport the goods by truck. Our number one priority is the Earth, so we produce smaller amounts, never ship by plane, and all our products are made of organic or recycled fabrics. Our packaging is either cotton or paper, we want to erase all use of plastic - it’s simply just not good enough.

To produce clothes is a very long process. It starts with pencil drawings, computer drawings, figuring out measurements and fitting, lots of sampling, choice of fabric and colors, more samples, more correcting and suddenly there is magic happening and a new product is created. It takes time, and I do not rush it. Our fabrics are made and woven in Turkey as well, only producing the amount we need, and never restock. The products are made by hand, washed by hand, ironed by hand, and packed by hand. This is important for the quality and personality in our garments - only the best is good enough!
Where did you get the inspiration for this new collection?
I see inspiration everywhere! Colors, fabrics, prints - my mind is one huge whiteboard filled with garments that are just waiting to come to life. But my biggest inspiration is the dear little ones, they are the ones we create for. It has to be comfortable, soft and durable.
What's the biggest challenge when coming to design baby / kids clothing?
SIZING! There is no human the same, but small kids are definitely so so different. Some are long and skinny, some small and chubby - but all using the same size. Also, the small sizes are used for such a short time, and that is tricky when you want your garments to last long. We have tried to bring the sizes together, having two sizes in one. This is to make it last longer, be kinder to our money and planet Earth.
But sure its still hard, and we do use an extreme amount of time to adjust, making samples and correcting measurements so many times to try to get it as right as possible for all!
What is the material you like the most to work with and why?
Oh wow, that’s such a hard question! I am a fabric maniac haha. I can take sooooo long just to discover new fabrics, find something that’s not over used, something sustainable and unique. But if I have to pick only one I think it would be linen. Linen is quite an amazing fabric, as it’s temperature regulatory, it can keep you warm, or cool you down. Also, it is natural and has a soft touch.
What is your best design / work memory? Or the most stressful one?
Lah Lan is a very recently started company, so my experience is not that long. But wow it has been crazy sometimes! But really it has been an amazing journey, and I have learned so much, and met lovely people.
If you had one advice to give to new brands, what would it be?
Ask for advice, and don’t be afraid to be you or to be in need of someone’s help. When I first started with the idea of Lah Lan, I was met with a cold shoulder everywhere. This was so surprising for me, and kind of kicked me off the horse to begin with. Now I have met some amazing people, and I have learned SO much. We need to be better at asking for help, but also to give it to others. In my world no one or no brand can stay alone, so I don’t think we should be so afraid of each other. Also, everyone has their own taste on choice of colors, styles or anything - don’t take it in. Be true to yourself and the final result will be pure perfection!
Any new exciting projects coming soon?
Absolutely! But nothing to reveal right now. I always have a million things going, and so many ideas. I want to create so much more than clothes - so stay tuned for many new adventures to come!
What is your morning routine?
I never set an alarm clock! Its important for me that the kids get to wake up in their own pace, and I value our slow mornings so much. If I have a stressful morning, I think it is hard for me to come back to a peaceful mind. When the little ones wake up we take the duvets to the couch, the kids sit to wake up, snack some fruit or smoothie while I fix them some breakfast. While they eat I drink my tea and clean my skin. Then we get dressed and I take them to daycare at around 9, after a morning filled with love, kisses and happy little faces. Then I head to the gym to workout, and then breakfast for me. From here my days are never the same, sometimes I have meetings, and some days i work with the computer from home - and of course everyday I pack all the web shop orders. I pick up the kids at around 2, I can’t stand to be away from them for too long. I think we need to choose time with them as long they are in need of it, I like to have as much time with them as possible. This doesn’t mean I don’t work a lot, I actually really do, it’s just priorities. I work many late nights and weekends!
And Finally, could you tell us what is your favorite city in the world? Why?
I want to see so many countries and cities, there are a lot of amazing things to see, and I hope to see them all! I have been to many places around the world, and I am not able to choose a favorite city. But if I have to it must be Mexico city, and the reason is simple. My oldest brother lives there with his wife and little baby boy. Even tough I have only been there once, and really didn’t experience a lot of the city, it’s my favorite as a piece of my heart is stuck there together with this little family I wish I could see more often!
If you like to know more about Lah Lan, go check out their website.
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