Bun Burger Restaurant in Turin
Bun Burger Restaurant in Turin

Bun Burger Restaurant in Turin

Masquespacio designs

Bun Burguer in Turin

Hello, design lovers!

Do you remember April’s article about Bun Burguer Restaurant in Milan done by the talented designers Masquespacio?! Today, we are very excited to show you that after the initial collaboration between Bun and Masquespacio, now they present the first Bun restaurant in Turin.

Starting from the already created identity that was implemented in the first Bun restaurant in Milan, for the new opening of the Italian hospitality chain in Turin, they again commissioned the Spanish studio led by Ana Hernández and Christophe Penasse.

Photography: Gregory Abbate

Photography: Gregory Abbate

Hereby, if in the restaurant in Milan two colours were used. In Turin taking advantage of the three windows, a space of three colours was designed that each occupies one of the windows.

The iconic green color from Bun is the one that takes you immediately to the order bar, while the pink and blue colours take you to two seating spaces that differ completely from each other.

In the pink space you can see how next to a sharing table, a tribune that continues with the arc concept is set-up to give the diners the possibility to sit at different levels.

Photography: Gregory Abbate

Photography: Gregory Abbate

The blue zone, on the other hand adds a touch of fun and gives the visitors the chance to enjoy the delicious Bun burgers in a space that simulates a huge swimming pool that would make them feel like floating in the water.

Last but not least, the space already counts with some of the established brand elements as for the furniture and arcs, next to materials like ceramics and terrazzo.

After finalising this project, Masquespacio already started to work on the new openings in Milan for which they will search to integrate Bun’s identity in new singular spaces. And we couldn’t be more excited to see them! We will keep up in tune!

If you want to have a look at other articles about this design studio, click here!


If you enjoyed this article, you should check out our article about Bun Burguer Milan.

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