Kapoor Collection

Kapoor Collection

Discover this amazing collaboration

between .annud and Santiago Sevillano Studio

Do you already know .annud? Then come with us and get to know this amazing design studio based in Valencia, Spain, and their latest collaboration with Santiago Sevillano Studio for a furniture collection.

As told us Pilar Tárraga, Design Manager of .annud, the essence of this brand comes from the merge of design and cultural influences, resulting in a powerful concept inspired by people, places and experiences.

Kapoor Collection by Cualiti Photo Studio

Kapoor Collection by Cualiti Photo Studio

We seek not only to satisfy, but also to discuss, inform and trigger curiosity through our products, which always have a story to tell. We were founded with the aim of making original, honest and fresh furniture that helps to create unique and remarkable spaces.
— .annud

The Kapoor collection seeks a kind of structural illusionism and distinctive forms that differentiate it from the rest, both a contained and an irrepressible essence that feeds on art, but shouts design!

Kapoor Collection by Cualiti Photo Studio

Kapoor Collection by Cualiti Photo Studio

The artist to whom this collection pays tribute is responsible for the creation of some of the most iconic contemporary sculptures in the world that challenge the laws if physics and gravity.

Kapoor Collection by Cualiti Photo Studio

Kapoor Collection by Cualiti Photo Studio

If you’d like to know more about Kapoor collection, just visit @annud.concept or @santiagosevillanostudio.


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